Inspire travelers with50 Reasons to travel
Brand Design KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
- Services
- Strategy
- Concept
- Design
- Production
- Content
- Development
- Distribution
- Partnerships
- Eyeforce
- Massive Music
- Awards
- 6 X Webby Awards
- AWWWARDS Site of the Month
- Red Dot Best of the best
- SpinAward
- Lovie Award
- W3
- International design award
- And many more..
iFly KLM’s and Born05's strategy has been the same for years: give people reasons to travel (with KLM). So eight times a year KLM customers are inspired with jaw-dropping travel stories. That way KLM stays top-of-mind and acts as a travel guide full of 'next destinations'. The added strategy for iFly KLM's 50th anniversary edition was simple: this one had to make waves. Create something that would be highly notable for loyal and occasional readers (within the KLM customer database) and that would entice potential customers to read the magazine for the first time.
Reason. Bigger, better, faster, stronger
The 50th edition of iFly KLM Magazine was a perfect excuse to raise the bar, again. After years of working with KLM, everyone knew the anniversary edition could serve as a wonderful present to all readers. But one of the great challenges of every long-lasting format is the desire and ability to constantly improve the format. In order to keep customers inspired and active, they need an occasional 'slap in the face'. With new sections, formats, designs, interactions and stories. Long story short: iFly KLM 50 had to be bigger, better, faster, stronger.
Big idea. Let the content do the talking
Building a rich media content platform is like creating a 'symphony'; numerous separate elements blend into one harmonious experience. Photography, copy, music, animations, design and all unlockable features needed to work together flawlessly. The solution was found in keeping things simple. Focus on the strong points and distinctive assets that set your message apart. Clean design, silk-like countdown animations that would encourage users to keep scrolling, high-quality photography and video... All textual contributions were supportive - not leading. Interactive surprises (audio tours, 360 video, extra photography and articles) were added and last nu not least: custom-made music really made the entire experience totally immersive.
Outcome. Six Oscars of the internet and more
In the first month after the magazine went live, it received almost 600,000 visitors and won several awards in the digital content marketing world, including six Webby Awards, the Oscars of the internet, a Red Dot Design Award, a SpinAward, the Awwwards Site of the Month and many more. Beautiful recognition for the 50 magazines KLM and Born05 created together.
Focus on the strong pointsand distinctive assets that set your message apart

18.5 mln
Unique visitors
Social engagement (shares & likes)

There’s something new under the sun... Zwitsal Sun Care for kids
Storytelling Unilever